Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Profused Green

One of my first clicks at Warangal. The day was cloudy & it was dark inside, I grabbed my camera & was all up for a stroll, as the drizzles turned to downpour.

A scene after the showers..

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fogged Sunlight

A foggy winter afternoon at the ghats of Benaras.

Monday, November 28, 2011


So here is where I found it & i was all set to try it.
Only it was night so trees in the background was a dark dream. And it was too much an effort to go to the roads & look for the traffic.

Finally I decided to cover my board with some newspapers & use my cup as the object in focus.
I am not sure using the camera in my phone was an aid or a setback but this was my best shot for the night..

Lonesome Umbrage

A prosaic sun was order of the day till the evening clouds approached & filled the canvas with azure, blue & gray of asparagus.


Its been long time since I used to come here, well i have to admit it has been ages.
So much so changed meanwhile, and I have missed capturing all of those moments in my camera, but not anymore.
Here I am, meandering through the memory lanes, wending to the extrinsic.